Merlin's Kingdom
Daphne vs Andie - Luta feminina totalmente animada com seios nus (Babes a soco nuas)
2/5/25 5:15 PM•8 min•711 MB•mp4•1080pClique para visualização2/5/25 5:15 PM•8 min•711 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Animação,Cartoon,Boxe feminino,MachinimaDescrição"Esta LUTA TOTALMENTE ANIMADA, com mulheres seminhas e sem luvas, chega a você cortesia das Barefist Babes!
A loira Andie enfrenta a morena Daphne em um ringue de luta subterrâneo, lutando para ver quem vencerá a promoção em seus empregos diurnos. O Chefe adora mulheres duras, e quanto mais brutalmente dominantes, melhor. Os punhos voam à medida que essas duas rivais procuram nocautear a outra, espancando e machucando uns aos em uma luta feroz de ritmo acelerado e sem luvas. A morena Daphne desferindo socos repetidos e duros no abdômen sólido de Andie, mas Andie só pode suportar tanto castigo e começa a desacelerar. O barulho sônico das nódoas de Daphne agora esmagando o rosto de Andie de um lado para o outro ecoa no ringue enquanto a multidão aplaude a salvajaria, e um soco supermanico final e vicioso no rosto, Daphne nocauteia Andie. A vencedora é Daphne!
Depois de uma derrota tão devastadora, Andie leva o tempo para se recuperar e treinar cada vez mais. Procurando vingança após essa derrota humilhante, Andie tem sua revanche com Daphne. E Daphne está ansiosa para infligir mais punição em sua rival. Eles se encontram novamente no centro do ringue para trocar algumas conversas de lixo quentes, as temperaturas prontas para explodir. O sino toca e novamente os punhos voam para estragar uns aos! Os corpos nuas das garotas estão marcados por hematomas devido aos impactos sem luvas. Mas Andie aumenta a aposta, jogando joelhos e realmente mudando o fluxo da luta com um Huracanrana! Daphne cai no chão e Andie segue com alguns drops de cotovelo desagradáveis. Andie puxa Daphne de volta pelo cabelo marrom e começa a punir seu corpo com socos abdominais viciosos. Soco após soco, Andie está brutalizando os abdominais de Daphne, então se move de volta para trabalhar na mandíbula, antes de puxar Daphne pelo cabelo novamente e esmagá-la no turnbuckle. Presa no canto do ringue sem nenhuma capacidade de lutar de volta, Daphne é brutalizada em uma luta agora completamente desequilibrada, derrotada e finalmente nocauteada com um uppercut, até que ela não possa mais se mover. A vingança é doce para Andie e a derrota de Daphne pode significar o fim de sua carreira de luta subterrânea!
Também incluído estão alguns clipes de trailer como material bônus. Obrigado às Barefist Babes por animarem uma luta incrível!<\/p>"Lutar até o fim - MMA Luta feminina [HQ 3D]
6/3/24 6:38 AM•7 min•101 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização6/3/24 6:38 AM•7 min•101 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Animação,Luta feminina,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescrição"Este slide show de quadrinhos em 3D apresenta duas lutadoras de MMA ferozes e femininas em uma luta de agarramento viciosa que termina com as duas nuas, trocando tomada após tomada brutal, e uma delas será derrubada e submetida a golpes até a derrota completa.
Completamente nua, apresenta tomadas de submissão de luta feminina, estrangulamentos, travas, pinos, reviramentos e um final de golpes no chão.
83 imagens estáticas em slide show geradas pelo Poser/Daz, com música de fundo.
Cada slide dura aproximadamente 5 segundos. No formato de vídeo MP4 para visualização direta em dispositivos móveis.
Música por Kevin MacLeod (incompetech)
\"Feral Angel Waltz\"
Arte por Waldo no lendário Merlin-Kingdom
Charlene vs Zuzka - Briga de gatas sem camisa [HQ 3D]
5/4/24 12:14 AM•14 min•143 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização5/4/24 12:14 AM•14 min•143 MB•mp4•720pPreço€10.49 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Arte fetichista,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescrição"Este slide show de quadrinhos em 3D apresenta duas estrelas de luta topless excepcionalmente bem treinadas do Reino de Merlin.
Ambas as partes de Charlene vs Zuzka, das atualizações de 5 de julho e 8 de agosto de 2016, arte de Waldo.
Uma luta de gatinhas sem camisa brutal que deixa ambas as lutadoras com muitos hematomas, arranhões e danos de batalha após uma luta de punho nu com poucas ou nenhuma regra.
174 slide show de imagens estáticas com imagens geradas em 3D pelo Poser/Daz, com música de fundo.
Cada slide dura 5 segundos. No formato de vídeo MP4 para visualização direta fácil em dispositivos móveis.
Música: Severe Tire Damage - Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech)
Arte de Waldo no lendário Reino de Merlin
Sabia que o site de quadrinhos em 3D Merlin-Kingdom está aberto e aceitando novos membros novamente!Sexy Loops - Waldo's Stash (3D Animations)
7/2/22 2:00 AM•2 min•90 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização7/2/22 2:00 AM•2 min•90 MB•mp4•720pDescriçãoThis short clip features a collection unreleased animation loop cycles from Waldo's vault!
The beautiful sexy realistic ladies from Waldo's comics come to life.
Featuring: Sexy booty walk cycle, Boob jiggle walk cycle and a variety of sexy pose and stance breathe cycles, including one in bondage!
Music: Bobby Richards - "Muriel"
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-KingdomThe Hood vs Rick Paul - Mixed Wrestling [3D Comic]
6/2/22 3:00 PM•6 min•87 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização6/2/22 3:00 PM•6 min•87 MB•mp4•720pPreço€6.99 EURCategoriaLuta sexualCategorias Relacionadas3D,Lutando misturado,Misto de wrestling,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features a masked muscular naked female in a mixed wrestling sexfight against a brutish nude male named Rick Paul. The No Holds Barred match will be won by whoever can make their opponent cum first!
Featuring sweaty full nude mixed wrestling submission holds, scissors, bearhugs, oral sex, and back and forth mixed sex fighting action.
76 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Ethan Meixsell - Taking a Beating
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom
2019-05-21Within the Rules - Female Wrestling [3D Comic]
5/29/22 9:55 PM•6 min•61 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização5/29/22 9:55 PM•6 min•61 MB•mp4•720pPreço€6.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Arte fetichista,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features tag team topless female wrestling. Two sexy redheads vs two smaller blondes. Those big breasts make attractive punching targets, as do those taut bellies while the girls grapple for dominance. The blondes don't play very fair, constantly trying to double team, but when the other redhead girl get involved, now it's payback time!
71 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: Sport Rock Workout by Infraction - Hard
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom- 5/10/22 5:59 AM•7 min•82 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Arte fetichista,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescrição
This 3D comic slide show features two exceptionally fit topless female fighters going at it. Blonde Victory in tight leggings and Amaninera in a just a bikini bottom. New girl Victory gets a bit too cocky for her own good, especially after landing a few punches on the larger Amaninera, but the muscular black Amazon is about to put blondie in a world of extreme hurt, leaving her battered, bruised and utterly humiliated.
85 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: Sport Racing Rock by Infraction - Hot Energy
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom Bedroom Fight Part 2 - Mixed Sex Fight [3D Comic]
4/28/22 7:54 PM•7 min•121 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização4/28/22 7:54 PM•7 min•121 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaLutando misturadoCategorias Relacionadas3D,Misto de wrestling,Nudez/Nu,Luta sexual,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features two naked female fighters and a male who finds himself in quite the predicament.
From Waldo -
Presenting PART 2 of Mari-AnnFights' story. All hell broke loose in the bedroom and the boyfriend still thinks he's going to get his wish of being royally fucked by two gorgeous women.. He IS going to get his wish, but not quite as he wished for. The two beauties give him something to remember them by before the end of the night.
This 90 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Jeremy Korpas - Sharp
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-KingdomBedroom Fight Part 1 - Female Wrestling [3D Comic]
4/9/22 5:00 PM•8 min•159 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização4/9/22 5:00 PM•8 min•159 MB•mp4•720pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Nudez/Nu,Luta sexual,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features two naked women fighting while a man watches them wrestle on the bed.
From Waldo -
Here is an interesting story suggested by Mari-AnnFights. You have to be careful for what you wish for when double dipping two women in your life. You may JUST get what you so justly deserve in the end!With a variety submission holds, tribbing, pins, smothers, and more!
This 98 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Jeremy Korpas - Sharp
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-KingdomThe New Girl - Catfight Beatdown [3D Comic]
3/26/22 12:49 PM•7 min•74 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização3/26/22 12:49 PM•7 min•74 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaSurraCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Arte fetichista,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features a 2 on 1 beatdown of a perky redhead thinking she's made it to the big time. The new girl with her thigh high boots is about to get her ass kicked from two angry and naked female fighting veterans! One has a good point though, bring sharp heels in to the ring? That's a well deserved ass kicking! LOTS of belly attacks, knees and punches while the new girl is restrained, low blows, inhuman submission holds, this bitch is going to get it!
84 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: LonePeakMusic - Nina - Backing Track
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-KingdomPathetic Fight - Female Wrestling [3D Comic]
3/12/22 8:08 PM•8 min•75 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização3/12/22 8:08 PM•8 min•75 MB•mp4•720pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features another chapter of Wreck Room topless female fighting action. Two buff and busty fighters clash to see who the boss bitch of the gym is, and our taller girl in a red thong gets a taste of just how strong the FBB in the tiny yellow thong is. But with a quick shove, suddenly red is on top and now it's the platinum blonde FBB's turn to take some well deserved punishment! After a variety of submission holds that would have SNAPPED a normal human, the blonde bully in yellow manages to reverse out and now it's red's turn to suffer. She won't give up without a fight, but the FBB's strength is simply too overwhelming.
This 91 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Arthur Vyncke - Cherry Metal
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom- 3/6/22 7:37 AM•27 min•250 MB•mp4•720pPreço€18.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slides,Chave de submissãoDescrição
This 3D comic slide show features three stories in one download. Charlene vs Amy vs Zuzka, aka the CAZ Fight Saga. Three lovely, extremely fit topless ladies battling it out for dominance. With new rules and punishment stipulations, the ladies are in for one hell of a match. The loser of the round must submit to punishment by the third girl before she herself engages the winner of that last round. Lots of extreme wrestling holds, battle damage and sexfighting elements!
This 320! still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Lemon Music from Pixabay - Title: The Fighting
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom Boxing with Dildos - Female Boxing [3D Comic]
2/28/22 7:05 AM•7 min•50 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização2/28/22 7:05 AM•7 min•50 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaBoxe femininoCategorias Relacionadas3D,Soco na Barriga,Luta feminina,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features a naked boxing match with a twist. The fighters will have "special" dildos inserted inside of them, dildos that only vibrate when the opponent's glove touches them! This makes for a rather unique match where the ladies must fight the rather erotic distraction of their own orgasms while trying to fight their opponent! These girls are pounding each other, inside and out! But as brutal and vicious as the fight gets with each girl attempting to dominate and keep the other just on the edge of orgasm, there is a VERY happy ending.
80 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: Sport Racing Rock by Infraction - Hot Energy
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom- 2/20/22 7:44 PM•6 min•76 MB•mp4•720pPreço€6.99 EURCategoriaBoxe femininoCategorias Relacionadas3D,Soco na Barriga,Luta feminina,Apresentação de slidesDescrição
This 3D comic slide show features hot topless boxing babes, battle damage and more. Original description by Waldo -
This is one of the first "Victory" stories that I rendered using the gorgeous character created by "PaulPoser". This is also one of the very few stories in where Victory will be appearing without her famous blue tights. In later Victory stories, you will see the progression of changes in Victory and her blue tights so that she remains as true to form from her early days and being able to mesh in with the new rendering techniques currently used in my stories.
A great many thanks to PaulPoser for helping me sort out the various details in his Victory character for the fans and members to enjoy once again.
71 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: "Drop" (Workout Background Music) by Alec Koff
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom Wreckroom Fuck Fight - Mixed Wrestling [3D Comic]
2/12/22 4:43 PM•10 min•104 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização2/12/22 4:43 PM•10 min•104 MB•mp4•720pPreço€10.49 EURCategoriaLuta sexualCategorias Relacionadas3D,Lutando misturado,Misto de wrestling,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features muscled babe Andy as she enters the fabled Wrecking Room Gym. Unfortunately, she's confronted by some dick head male who doesn't want to see women work out at the gym. What ensues is an epic battle of the sexes that ends in one hell of a climatic ending for both fighters!
Featuring bare fisted punches, submission holds, low blows, ground and pound, and back and forth mixed fighting action.
121 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Alex Koff (Drum Music)
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom
2016-11-29Wreckroom Jobber - Beatdown [3D Comic]
2/6/22 10:49 PM•7 min•147 MB•mp4•1080pClique para visualização2/6/22 10:49 PM•7 min•147 MB•mp4•1080pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaSurraCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slides,Chave de submissãoDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features a LARGE female bodybuilder absolutely destroying a much smaller, skinny jobber girl. This is big vs small to the EXTREME! The thin girl is no match and it's a complete squash match with the FBB putting our skinny jobber in a variety of punishing wrestling holds. As usual, the little rookie had no idea what she was getting herself into and ends up paying the price for her over inflated ego's attitude.
86 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by Crepa Music (Balrog Remix by Capcom)
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-KingdomRed Twins vs Pinky - Beatdown [3D Comic]
1/30/22 10:44 AM•7 min•66 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização1/30/22 10:44 AM•7 min•66 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Surra,Nudez/Nu,Apresentação de slides,Chave de submissãoDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features two redheaded twins vs one smaller pink haired jobber. Pinky thinks her muscles will let her take on two skinny girls at once, but boy, is she proven wrong! What the twins lack in muscle, they more than make up for in TEAMwork. Pinky is about to catch a beatdown, having her arms pinned back so she's WIDE open for some good ole' 2 on 1 belly punching and breast punching. That's not all, as the twins reign terror on Pinky with more body blows, kicks, back wrenching submission holds, and even a few low blows.
81 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music by John_Yasutis from Pixabay - Title: Fashion Show
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom- 1/24/22 8:50 AM•8 min•87 MB•mp4•720pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaLuta sexualCategorias Relacionadas3D,Luta feminina,Luta feminina,Arte fetichista,Apresentação de slidesDescrição
This 3D comic slide show features two beautiful ladies in a Dildo based sex fight.
Original description from Merlin-Kingdom
If you are easily offended, or do not wish to see explicit sex fight content, please go no further:
This week's update features a custom story where as two hellcats face each other for a Dildo Fight! Armed with their favourite dildo, they engage in battle where the first fighter to orgasm loses the match. Unfortunately, one fighter finds herself coming up short and slightly disadvantaged in her choice of weaponry for this encounter! See the entire match to it's climactic ending...
102 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: Sport Rock Workout by Infraction- Hard
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom Legs Destruction - Female Wrestling [3D Comic]
1/20/22 2:05 PM•8 min•83 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização1/20/22 2:05 PM•8 min•83 MB•mp4•720pPreço€8.99 EURCategoriaLuta femininaCategorias Relacionadas3D,Surra,Soco na Barriga,Luta feminina,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features topless female wrestling, with a very buff, very angry muscle girl teaching a skinny chick a lesson. No high heels in the ring! Tons of impossibly painful submission holds tweaking the skinny girl's legs, a completely one sided squash match. I'd say, skinny girl deserved it!
94 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: Alec Koff - "Drum Music"
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-KingdomSex Fight Night! - Mixed Wrestling [3D Comic]
1/17/22 11:38 PM•7 min•101 MB•mp4•720pClique para visualização1/17/22 11:38 PM•7 min•101 MB•mp4•720pPreço€7.99 EURCategoriaMisto de wrestlingCategorias Relacionadas3D,Dominação feminina,Machinima,Lutando misturado,Apresentação de slidesDescriçãoThis 3D comic slide show features a mixed sex fight in a gym, ending with some oral pleasures...
A super fit muscle blonde comes in to the gym topless, much to the surprise of our male stud working out there. Not like he's wearing much either! Noting that he's uncomfortable, she challenges him to a mixed match, which quickly ends up completely nude. This leaves the embarrassed male open to the blondes punches, and she immediately takes control with a punch to the gut, following up with punches to his face. The male finally retaliates with a punch of his own, knocking the buff woman to the ground. But with a sweep to of the leg, she takes him down and in to her territory on the mats. She quickly mounts him and it's time for some ground and pound. It's now a mixed wrestling struggle with both trading holds and punches, until the final hold sees them in a standing 69, seeing who can make the other cum first...90 still image slide show of Poser/Daz generated 3D images, with background music.
Each slide is 5 seconds long. In MP4 video format for easy direct viewing on mobile devices.
Music: Infraction - "Rock Sport Exercise"
Art by Waldo on the legendary Merlin-Kingdom
All characters are virtual and do not depict any likenesses of living people.